So, for the last little while I've been asking everyone I know to tell me my most endearing and most annoying personality traits. Honestly, I've just been curious as to what it is that people like about me and what I do to annoy them. I was a little surprised that it all seemed to come down to two things, though phrased in different ways.
Most annoying trait was that I talk too much. As I said, different people put it different ways. Some commented on my tendancy to talk just for the sake of talking, others about the volume or the fact that I tend to repeat myself. But it all comes down to the same thing, I
do talk too much. I know that, my friends know that, Hell I think people who've never even met me know that. Still, it is something I should probably work on.
The problem is, I don't like silence. I just don't know how to cope with it, I never have. So, I talk. Especielly when I'm nervous, then I tend to babble. I just need to figure out how to be more comfortable with silence I guess.
The most endearing trait in the (probably somewhat biased) opinion of my friends is that I'm a nice person. Again, it was phrased different ways. I was praised for being non-judgmental, sweet-natured, optimistic and honestly interested in other people. I guess, that's a pretty good thing, that people seem to think I'm a nice person.
See, the odd thing is, that while I definitly agree that I talk too much, I've never seen myself as all that nice. I can be bitchy and gossip, as well as a spoiled brat. I do like people, especially children, and I'd do anything for my friends, but at the end of the day sometimes I'm still not sure how nice I am. Though, I guess I'm glad that other people see me as nice.
I asked the question of myself and came up with different answers than my friends. The quality I hate most about myself? The fact that I worry too much. I obsess about every little thing and I don't know how to stop it. I analyze things over and over in my head and go over them until I'm about to drive myself insane. I affects how I deal with people and usually leaves me feeling pretty miserable inside. That's definitly the first thing I'd change about myself, though I agree I do talk too much.
What do I like best about myself? That's a hard one for me to answer. I spend a lot more time focusing on the negative than the positive, which I think is perfectly normal. Maybe the fact that I can keep a level head in a crisis. Oh, I'll freak out over minor things all right, but when it comes down to the major things I am able to handle it and then freak out. Or at least, so expereience has shown so far.