Misha's Strange Wonderings

My strange and often bizzare thoughts.

Monday, January 31, 2005

New Years Resoloutions, Month 1

January is at an end, so I thought I'd check back and see how I was doing at keeping my resoloutions. So let's check in.

1. Take Better Care of Myself. Well, I have a strep infection, so I'm obviously not doing that good at keeping this one. But I caught it before it came Strep throat, so that's an improvement. I have been taking pains to dress more appropriately (i.e, where mitts and a hat when I go out). I've been trying to eat better, at least eat more reguarly and I've made some progress. Still haven't managed to start taking the vitamins, though.

2. Get In Shape. I've done nothing towards this goal, but then I knew it was going to be one of the harder ones since I'm very, very lazy. I mean, if my mom can do it. I can, really.

3. Go Back to School. Well, I sent in my applications, now it's out of my hands. But hopefully by September I'll be in Toronto going to school.

4. Get Out There More. I've failed miserably at this one so far, but I'll use the excuse that I live in Castleton. I do intend to go out more, really I do. I'll check next month on how this is going.

5. Learn to Play the Guitar. I've picked up a guitar at least once, does that count? I need to look into taking lessons. There are a lot of things I should do.

6. Find Peace. I've sucked at keeping this one. I keep let things get to me and keep gettng involved in all the shit going on around me. I shouldn't. I should stay out of it and I'll try. I wonder if I'll actually suceed.

So there you see, I'm not doing great at keeping my resoloutions, but not failing miserably either, so there's an improvement.


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