Misha's Strange Wonderings

My strange and often bizzare thoughts.

Thursday, November 02, 2006

New Friends and Reading Week

So, I'm finally starting to make friends at Fleming and real friends, not just hang out at school and talk a bit during class kind of friends, but the kind I can go out and do things with or just talk to for hours. So far, it seems pretty good.

Two of the people in my class, Tim and Sarah, and I have just really hit it off. We've hung out a few times and it was a lot of fun. Turns out we have a lot in common and it lead to quite the enjoyable time.

I need that, people here that I can just have fun with the way I do with my other friends. I'm a social person and I need interaction. So I'm really glad I'm making good friends. It is funny how much Tim and Sarah are like my other friends. I always kind of thought that my choice of friends was more of a fluke, but apparently not. Apparently, I am drawn to a certain type of person. Interesting.

Back in Peterborough, after Reading Week. School's well, school. Been a busy week, handed in three assignments and had one test (with another one tomorrow). Hopefully, I've done well on everything (I think I have).

Reading Week was fun. Went to Brantford, then to Toronto where Meg held a Halloween party (which was a blast). I got both family and friend time in, which is good. Though, it wasn't entirely a vacation since my homework came with me (boo!)

Going back to Castleton for the weekend tomorrow, which will be nice. I haven't been home in a few weeks and I miss everyone (especially my kittys).


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